Varnish is a web application accelerator, which has been gaining a lot of popularity lately, because it can increase the loading speed of any website, at times even by one hundred percent, depending on the content itself. This tool is sometimes called a caching HTTP reverse proxy as well and is used to decrease the overall load on the physical machine and to accelerate the access speed for the site visitors. Every time a visitor loads a page on a certain website, the web browser request is taken care of by the web server and the requested information is sent as a response. If Varnish is enabled, it caches the web pages that the website visitor browses and in case any of them is opened once more, it’s fetched by Varnish and not by the server directly. The performance improvement is due to the fact that the accelerator handles the web requests substantially quicker than any web server, which results in much faster browsing speeds for the site visitors. If any data is changed in the meantime, the cached pages will also be ‘refreshed’ the next time somebody attempts to open them.

Varnish in Shared Web Hosting

You can unleash Varnish’s potential and enhance the load speed of your websites irrespective of the shared web hosting plan that you have picked and you can activate and configure the data caching platform with a couple of mouse clicks via the easy-to-work-with interface offered by our next-gen Hepsia Control Panel. During the procedure, you will be able to select two different things – how many Internet sites will use the Varnish caching platform, in other words – the number of instances, and how much information will be cached, i.e. the amount of system memory. The latter comes in increments of 32 megabytes and is not bound to the number of instances, so you can use more instances and less memory and the other way around. In case you’ve got plenty of content on a given website and you receive a lot of site visitors, more memory will give you better results. You may also consider using a dedicated IP for the sites that will use the Varnish platform. Hepsia will offer you easy 1-click buttons for deleting or rebooting any instance, for deleting the cache associated with each Internet site and for viewing in-depth logs.