SRV Records in Shared Web Hosting
The Hepsia CP, included with each and every shared web hosting plan that we offer, will provide you with an easy means to set up any DNS record you need for a domain address or a subdomain within your account. The user-friendly interface is a lot simpler compared to what other companies offer and you'll not have to do anything more than to fill a few boxes. For a new SRV record, you have to log in, navigate to the DNS Records section and then click the "New" button. In the small pop-up which will show up, you have to input the service, protocol and port details. You could also set the priority and weight values, which should be between 1 and 100, which will make a difference if you have no less than two servers handling the same service. If you work with a machine from a different company, they could also require you to set a TTL value different from the default 3600 seconds. This value defines how long the newly created record will remain functional after you modify it in the future.