If you have never had a hosting account or you are changing companies and the new one employs an account management interface that you haven’t seen so far, you may become baffled about how to execute a particular task in your account or on your desktop computer. That’s the reason why, some companies have set up a knowledge base, which outlines the most popular enquiries and challenges associated with the specific platform they use, instead of adding only general details. Such a knowledge base will enable you to find the right information quickly and effortlessly, so you won’t need to dedicate a lot of time and efforts to stuff that might require something as elementary as pushing a button or marking a tickbox. In this way, not only can you get things done, but you can also discover many new and interesting details, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the hosting service functions as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Web Hosting

If you have bought your first shared web hosting account through our company or have moved your site over to us, you will get accustomed to our platform and our in-house created Hepsia Control Panel very quickly due to the fact that we have prepared an elaborate web-based knowledge base where you can find all the information that you may ever need – both general info in regard to the hosting service as a whole and more concrete info about the different features that you can make use of and the difficulties that you can experience. The articles themselves are located in 2 places. The whole article list can be accessed via the Help section of the Control Panel. You can access articles that are dedicated to the different features in each and every Control Panel section too. You can discover how to accomplish just about everything, from creating an .htaccess configuration file to managing an electronic mailing list, and all the articles include step-by-step instructions, so you’ll never become perplexed due to an ambiguous text. Certainly, in case you chance upon a more specific obstacle and you can’t find a solution in our knowledge base, you can get in touch with our help desk team 24/7.